Even If You Don’t Have A Stage

Today’s words at the well are: The Voice.

I am an avid fan of the television show, The Voice. Listening to the singing of some of the contestants brings me to my feet for a couple of reasons. One is because the singing is always so good, whether the contestants make it onto the show or not. Another reason is because those brave singers who walk through the huge doors with “The Voice” painted across it, stand on a stage in front of millions of people, confident in their gift, supported by loved ones, offstage, cheering them on.

You have a voice too.

One that needs to be heard. Whether you stand in front of millions or not. Whether you have people on the sidelines cheering you on, or not. Maybe it’s not a “singing” voice, but it is a voice, with a tone, and sounds that rise from the depths of your emotions, personality and experiences. And, just as those with singing voices fine tune their instruments to make sure what comes out is pleasing, we too have to fine tune our voices by making sure what comes out is uplifting and edifying to our husbands, our children, our neighbors, co-workers and ourselves. Our voice (the sighs, the volume, the tone, the words) is the temperature read of our heart and soul.

Here’s a think about it exercise for today:

Pay attention to the temperature of your voice. Are you burning people up with it? Or are you freezing people? Is it completely shut off? Listen to what comes out of your mouth. The sighs. The laughter. The daggers. The questions. The sarcasm. The pleads.

I hope you find a quiet place today, a well, to sit for just a few minutes to ask God to show you the truth about the temperature of your voice.

The Samaritan woman arose, leaving the man she was with, behind, push past the doors of where she lived, to take a walk to the well. Jesus Christ, was on His way somewhere else, when He said, “He had to go to Samaria.” Sending the others who were with Him away, He walked to the well to wait for her, The Samaritan woman. To hear her voice and talk with her. My sister, He’s waiting for you, today. At the well. To hear your voice. To talk with you.

Lord I pray You would speak to the heart of every woman listening to this. I pray You would give her a glimpse of the uniqueness and power of her voice. I pray Father for any woman whose words, utterings and voice are not what she wants them to be, You would begin transforming her voice into the beautiful instrument you created it to be. Lord, grant her the confidence and support she needs to push past the doors where she resides to walk wherever it is she has to go.

You are invited to join us every Thursday @ 8:00 for a time of prayer for mothers – wisdom to raise children, emotional support, reconciled relationships, the stamina to stand, and more.

Here are the call in details or you can e-mail: [email protected].

In the meantime, remember:

Before you can love anyone else, you have to love you

Before you can love you, you have to know Love

Love is waiting for you, at the well. 💜

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