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Are You Ready To Read the Bible With Women From Across The World?

The Bible is epic in every way. There has never been or nor will there ever be a more meaningful or masterfully written work. It is not the easiest story to read because it is an ancient book. And, it is long. (It covers over 1500 years). But do you know that with just 15 minutes a day you can read it in one year?  And, if you read for more time than that you will finish it even quicker.  The Bible was originally written in ancient languages from within cultures completely different from the ones each of us live in, today. 

BUT, God has gifted people throughout human history to capture and tell His story so that it is available for and to every human being. God inspired gifted writers who used repeated words and themes as a way to connect the storyline in a beautifully interesting way.  When we encounter words, phrases, or themes that we have seen in the story before, just like in any good movie or book, the storyteller is giving us important clues that they want us to keep them in mind as we read. Noticing these repeating words and ideas is one of the joys of reading the Bible.  We get drawn even deeper into the story as the inspired messages of ancient Biblical writers come alive for us today.

The Bible is not a science or a how to book.  It is the amazingly wondrous story about who God is, what He has done, and what He is doing.  He inspired it to be written so that His creation can draw near to Him to gain understanding. It’s when we see the messages in God’s story as being told through the eyes, words, and culture of its ancient authors, that our eyes, hearts and souls can begin to have a truer, fuller, understanding of God Himself,  the world He created, and our very lives.  Opening the Bible is one way for us to love God with our whole mind. God gives us more of Himself when we seek Him with our whole selves.

The Bible has an overall storyline that can be highlighted in 5 points: (1)God creating: the heavens, the earth, living beings, and humankind to have dominion over all the earth, (2) the downfall of humankind from their royal position based on their choices and  God’s pursuit of redeeming His humankind from its fallen state by: (3) the call of Abraham, (4)the coming of Jesus, and then, finally, (5) the creation of the new heavens, the new earth, and humankind restored to our royal position.

And THIS is why The Bible is the greatest story ever being told.  It is filled with plots and subplots, twists and turns, drama, romance, and even some comedy. Are you ready, to read the Word of God with women from across the world?  If so, then make sure you 

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Tune in tomorrow @ 8:00 AM Eastern Standard Time when I will be live in the community with information on how to prepare for Monday’s community kickoff.

That’s it for now my sisters in faith.

Stay encouraged.

Keep the faith.

God sees you. ❤️

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